Thursday, January 27, 2011

Guidelines for Call Center Agents

The call center sector is always written about. But you hardly get tips or words of advice for the BPO agents and employees who make this business possible. In this article we will take a closer look at some ways in which the agents in telemarketing services can improve their performance and enjoy their job at the same time. Your liking for your job is primarily in the mind. If you can attune yourself to love what you do, you will soon find yourself getting better at it. Telemarketing can get tough for those who are in this sector for the wrong reasons. In the world of stiff competition, you need to be a little better than the average to succeed. Some ways of doing things, many of which are subtle changes in your lifestyle, can make all the difference. Let's find out!
Firstly, get the toughest jobs done first. When you know that making lead generation calls to some contacts would be difficult, pick up the phone and get those out of the way first. Call center agents should always work with a free, open mind. Being bogged down by the thought of them getting stuck on sales is like a writer's block to a screen writer. If you get the tougher telemarketing calls done right away, you will have a better state of mind to do the easier tasks.
Secondly, lead a better life. The BPO job that you do is stressful. You invest a lot of mental energy in the process. You have to replenish yourself every single day to avoid burnout. When you are not at the call center, listen to music, read books or watch movies. You can also indulge in some exercises early morning. Go for brisk walks and do some freehand exercises. Sitting for hours on a chair at the telemarketing unit damages your vertebrae and postures. Exercise also keeps your brain cells active. Meditation and yoga are very good ideas for a telephone answering service agent.
Thirdly, create a positive vibe at the workplace. Keep a clean desk. Call centre jobs are all about order and schedule. A cluttered desk is the expression of a confused mind. Moreover, you tend to forget things and get depressed when your desk is strewn with stationery. Schedule all your meetings well in advance. Customer service and lead generation are both services that have a lot to do with time. If you are not working to a schedule, you will miss your deadline.
Fourthly, keep distractions at bay. You don't really need IMs and social media pages when you are doing transcription services. Turn off the alerts on your computer. If you must log in to your call center IM, keep it mute. Let it not interfere with your work. Identify the non-essential tasks in your call center services. Determine which ones take time but hardly add to the productivity. Make small daily deadlines for yourself. That way you will be making use of every minute that there is.
We provide counseling and guidance to our
customer call center agents to help them cope with the pressure of customer service.

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